Thursday, January 22, 2009

NEW Neko

Ahh. It's the sound of another new release for 2009. They are piling up! Here's a sneak peak at Neko Case's latest album (release date 3.3.09), Middle Cyclone. The current single is "People Got A Lotta Nerve" and you are listening in thanks to Neko's peeps.

People Got A Lotta Nerve - Neko Case

Neko and her folks are making cash contributions to Best Friends Animal Society for every music blog post with the single. Gotta love those artists with good hearts ;). Looking forward to FINALLY seeing Neko when she comes to Stubb's in Austin in March.

Monday, January 19, 2009

This is WAYYY too much fun

You should do yourself a favor and head over to Obamicon.Me. This is great!

From the Vault

The sounds that could melt any guy's heart...Bonnie Raitt wailing on slide guitar and vocals.

Oh Bonnie, do you think I could get a few pointers?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Ryan Adams

A few days ago Ryan Adams "announced" via the Cardinals blog that he was quitting the music scene for a bit. The blog entry has since been removed, so I think it may have been a quickie rant at the state of things. But, who knows??

Anyhow, after reading the entry there was one part in particular that struck a chord with me. I wanted to share a bit of that and say - "hell ya, don't let'm bring ya down." Some good stuff...

"never become that if you choose this path- if you go this route with your art. never listen to those loud dissatisfied bystanders who only want to see you fail because that will be entertaining for that moment. hold fast to your dreams, hold faster to your heart and never step out of the light of that love that made you whole. i did. and i know better now. and better late than never i suppose." - Ryan Adams

If Ryan is actually quitting music, then so be it - whatever makes you happy, that's what you have to follow. If not, I'll be standing in line for the next album and tour :).

Friday, January 16, 2009

JH Gondola Concert...

From the 2008 Jackson Hole Music Festival...The Avett Brothers with "St. Joseph's" on the JH Gondola. What a fun seven minutes that must have been! You JH'rs will get a kick out of this. I love this song because they mention Lake Junaluska, which is very near and dear to my Haywood county heart.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ego Boost

Oh man, I am doubled over in chuckles right now and all my beer is spewing out of my nose. Yes, it's that funny.

I have a new piece of advise for an easy ego boost for any of my fellow musicians out there: watch the American Idol audition special. Holy crap! Do those people even THINK they can sing? I guess one could be nervous and screw things up a bit (I do know ALL about that - hello 5th grade solo), but really....

I just had to post an entry on that. Of course, this will be the last episode of that shit-tastic show that I watch this season b/c it's the only one worth watching. The other karaoke stuff blows...but seriously, in chuckles right now....hehe

Another New Release....

2009 is gearing up to be one heck of a year for music folks. On February 17, M. Ward will release "Hold Time" - his new album that ties that all too familiar haunting voice with lulling rhythms and fantastic songwriting. For a limited time, you can stream the entire album at NPR - visit to listen now.

After listening to a few tunes, "Hold Time" seems to pick up right where "Post War" left off, and it's sure to leave us wanting more. It's funny how his voice makes one hurt so much and feel right at home, all at the same time. Hmm, maybe hurt and home go hand in hand??

Here's the new video for Hold Time...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Studio Inspiration

I know we are just 10 days into 2009, but there are already some new tunes stirring around in my head. Some of mine, some of others. I hit the studio this Thursday (ahh!) to record some songs for a demo and I have had studio inspiration on my mind ALL day. I wanted to let you guys in on some new music that you can't miss out on for 2009. And, it seems that many of my favorite bands are hitting the studio this spring (Avett Bros, Grace & the Nocturnals, Drive by Truckers, etc.), which means some great music is definitely on the way people!

The first album you should own for 2009....
Derek Trucks Band - Already Free. Release date January 13, 2009
I am dancing in my chair as I write this, listening to some of the new tracks on this album. Fantastic. As a fan of these boys for years I had recently wondered, how does a band this talented get any better? Their reply: Already Free.
Choice track of the moment: "Don't Miss Me"

I couldn't find a live version of Don't Miss Me, but here's another live tune from the album, Sweet Inspiration. Also, if you want to learn more about Already Free, there is a great video on the making of the album at

Saturday, January 3, 2009


In past years, I haven't been on the wagon of creating resolutions for the year. Why? I just figured they would be a bunch of things I wouldn't accomplish...and it was too hard to focus on a few goals! I am starting 2009 in a different way...finally creating my New Year's Resolutions. My mom seems to think that 14 is the magic number here, but I couldn't come up with quite that many. Here's a peak at mine...

1. Travel more
2. Make my first full length album
3. Bake more :)

If any of you made resolutions for the New Year, good luck!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Top 8 of Oh-Eight

December '08 went by as fast as my checking balance seems to...but with much better results! After a much needed and enjoyable vacay in North Carolina, I am back in Austin and back in gear.

Over the last few weeks, I have read many top lists of 08. I figured I needed one as well, but this one's a bit's my combination of everything great, in my top 8 of Oh-Eight. Some of these will come as no surprise, but some...well, just may!

8. Twilight...the book.
Favorite Guilty Pleasure of 08
I thought I was too old to enjoy Vampire high school love stories, but alas I was very, very wrong. The first in a 4 part series, this story was so good and addicting that I couldn't put it down and finished in 2 days. I will be visiting the book store today to purchase the rest of the series. FYI, the book was not published in 08, but the new movie was released in 08, giving even more attention to the series. Haven't seen the flick yet, but it looks pretty yummy as well.

7. Tina Fey...and all her personalities
Favorite entertainer of 08
I have been a Tina fan for quite some time, but this year was epic for her. 30 Rock continues to crack me up and her impersonations of Sarah Palin on SNL were so funny I thought I was going to pee myself. "I can see Russia from my house" - I mean who could make this stuff up? Oh wait, she didn't even have to...

6. The Dark Knight
Favorite movie of 08
Movies are very important to me...I love any stories, romantic, funny, dark, depressing. This was an easy choice for me for my favorite flick of 08. The whole country was antsy at seeing Heath Ledger's last performance, and it did not disappoint. But, Heath was not the only stand out in The Dark Knight...kudos also belong to Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart...and the list goes on.

5. Momo's, Austin TX
Favorite live music venue
Over the past few months I have found many places that I adore in Austin, but this one in particular has crept up to the top of my list. A great club to catch local songwriters, bands and the occasional touring show, Momo's has those atmosphere we all long for to see live music...a place to dance out of the way, quieter areas to watch music and an open deck for the outdoor lovers. If you check out Austin, this is a place worth visiting.

4. The Second Gleam - The Avett Brothers
Favorite album of 08
And the most influential album for me. Simple, emotionally raw songs and writing that is unbelievably honest. I just wish I could attend more of their shows without crying!

3. 5/4/08, Emerson Theater, Bozeman MT
Favorite live show of 08
My most memorable show of 08 was WILCO in Bozeman last summer. One of the longest, most rocking events of my life. Added bonus: meeting Jeff Tweedy in the parking lot. Minus bonus: the boyfriend almost blinding him with the camera. Nevermind what others on the web are saying, this the band is the most rocking live act right now (okay according to me).

2. Hillary Clinton
Favorite female of 08
The original underdog...Ms. Clinton braved a tough field in the 08 election. No one seems to want to give her credit, they would rather talk about her being a bitch or fighting for what she wants. News flash folks: politics ain't nice, especially when you are one of the few women on the field. I'm very proud of this lady - and look forward to what she brings to the table as the new Secretary of State.

1. Jackson Hole Music Festival
Favorite New tradition of 08
Finally! After years of speculation, Festival Network managed to create the kind of festival only imaginable in Jackson Hole, with some of the hottest live acts in the biz right now (including Wilco & The Avett Brothers). With local "tweeners" in between touring acts, a watering hole, reusable wares, local goods and so much more, the 1st annual festival kicked off in a major way...can't wait to see who plays in 09.

Below: Clip from JH Music Fest - The Black Crowes.