Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ahhh...the sound is driving me bonkers

I just finished a very productive day of: guitar playing, songwriting, watching multiple episodes of old 90210, a little work, a little socializing, etc. etc. Yep, it's such a crazy life I lead. The bummer of the day is that the high in Austin was MAYBE 50 Oh, and there is this strange hissing noise outside my apartment that started a few hours ago and won't stop. So I need to complain a bit about that to make myself feel better, b/c sleep is obviously many more hours away. Double boo.

In good news...I just made some real plans to get into the studio in early January to lay down some demo tunes. Now, don't go gittin your britches in a knot...we're talkin 3 - 4 of my songs, so no S. Rose full-length record yet! I'm going to be working with Rich Brotherton (of Robert Earl Keen), and I am super excited about that. And a little intimidated as well, but it should be fabulous.

I take off for the hills of North Carolina in less than 1 week for the holiday festivities. Oh, birthday festivities too and if anyone asks, I am turning 26 (part deux). Since so so many of my blog posts (okay ALL) have to do with music I thought I would add one of my favorite songs about where I come I will leave you with this. For good measure, I'm not telling you who or what the song is - so you better watch to find out.

"may you one day carry me home..."

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our love is like our music...It's here, and then it's gone

I have been one crazy chicken such a good way. This past week I worked a lot (and actually the paying kind), played a lot and even had a gig thrown in. My fingers are killing me from the overload of music. And, I have been listening to lots & lots of tunes- for inspiration, cover possibilities and some friendly recommendations. The two most influential tracks of the week -
1. No Expectations - Rolling Stones. Watch below...starts around 3:07...

2. Boom Boom - John Lee Hooker. Trying to learn this one now...damn that boy knew the blues...

Enjoy these Sunday treats. This week is another highly packed one for me...trying to get into a studio to lay some new tracks down and play my little heart out. I will try and keep you updated!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ah, Yes, Thanks...

Thanksgiving is one of those weird holidays for me. I'm always not quite recovered from the horrors of Halloween, and Christmas is so close you can almost taste snowflakes in your mouth. Oh wait, I live in Texas now...I'm sure it's snowed here before...anyhow...I do love the idea of lots of yummy yummy food and football. It may not be my favorite holiday, but it's quickly growing on the list.

Every Thanksgiving is a bit different for me. For many years I have spent it with an "adopted" family of friends. Last year I was lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with my guy and both our families. This year, no families, but the guy was in Austin to celebrate. We had a great time cooking a wee bit and digesting lots of food with our new "adopted" family in Austin. A few days later I am still in a food coma with a Budha belly, but I just remembered that I forgot to even Thank anyone on Thanksgiving. So, I must make up for that. But, I'll keep this short...

For starters, you, the one reading this blog. It's nice to know someone actually wants to keep up with me. Kudos to you ;).

The fam - mine, Aaron's and anyone who is in the "adopted" network.

The friends - NC, SC, Jackson, Austin and everywhere in between (okay you all live in way too many places for me to post).

And the dog - Harper, you're still in the fam, but you deserve an extra shout out b/c I want you to remember who's your favorite when I get back to Jackson.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving - full of food, family, friends, and don't forget, Thanks!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Taste of Austin Blues with Seth Walker

About a week ago Aaron and I caught an interesting show at the Parish in downtown Austin. I had discovered that Seth Walker was playing a free show that night and decided that we HAD to go. Seth is a local blues/cajun/soul musician and the buzz has been brewing around him for some time. The event wasn't quite a full-fledged concert, and we found ourselves in the midst of an "awareness" night...very innneresting. When Seth finally hit the stage I thought "this guy better be awesome, because this is the weirdest setting ever and I am ready to bolt for the door." Thank goodness, he was indeed awesome...and more! I was impressed with his soulful voice and his mix of raw blues and Ray Charlesy ballads. That boy knows some blues, that's for sure. And, with the emotion he puts into his performance, I would bet he's lived through some blues as well.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Infuences these days

I started a very lazy Saturday morning by learning a few new tunes and writing some new ones for myself. 6 hours later I decided maybe I should shower, eat, and get myself the hell outta dodge. All in all, it's been a productive day, and probably even more so when I go out on the town tonight. But, at the end of all of this I started to think about what I am writing these days and what my influences are right now. So, I am posting my top ten influences of the month (they could easily change each week, but we don't need to go through that!!). Really, the top 2 in this category are: the city, and home. But, I am limiting this to in no particular order b/c I can't face trying that...

Jacksonsville City Nights - Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
home, longing, love...what more do you need to sustain on? I could probably put ALL of Ryan's albums on this list, but this is my most listened to in recent terms.
Choice Track: "Trains"

Another Country - Tift Merritt
There are many songs on this album that continually break my heart. And not because they're sad, but because Tift has such a way with words. ah...
Choice Track: "My Heart is Free"

Bonnie Raitt - Bonnie Raitt
Bow down to the queen. One day I may attempt to learn her guitar licks on this album...but I need a lot more practice to get there! Her first album, and my personal favorite - always.
Choice Track: "Finest Lovin' Man"

Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs - Derek & The Dominos
Whenever I really need to feel inspired I listen to this album. It has such a power over me. And no, Mr. Clapton is not, in fact, my favorite guitar player on this album (for those of you who know a bit about the Dominos). Even though I do love me some Eric Clapton...
Choice Track: "Bell Bottom Blues"

Acid Tongue - Jenny Lewis
I have just delved into this album, and it's so worth it. Jenny Lewis is one of my favorite songwriters right now and I love the honesty, sex and rawness she puts into her work (frontwoman of Rilo Kiley).
Choice Track: "Pretty Bird"

Gleam II - The Avett Brothers
This is a 6 song EP, with just the two Avetts and their stringed instruments. You all know that these boys make me cry, especially this album, so really, there's not much more to say.
Choice Track: "Tear Down the House"

Three More Days - Ray LaMontagne
Ray just put out his 3rd full length album, which is great, but I have been transfixed on this one lately. To listen to it in its entirety is just a bit much (I think it's the "divorce" album), but in parts it's pretty unbelievable.
Choice Track: "You Can Bring Me Flowers"

The West Was Burning - Martha Scanlan
Okay, another one of my favorite songwriters, in a slightly more country direction. Martha's voice is hauntingly good and her songs pull you in every time.
Choice Track: "Walkin"

Post-War - M. Ward
I recently discovered M. Ward and now feel like the biggest idiot at what I have missed the past few years. Great songs, great arrangements and some odds moments - just what I love.
Choice Track: "Right in the Head"

Toby's Song - Nicki Bluhm
I stumbled upon Nicki Bluhm and was really excited at what I found. She shares my love of Bonnie Raitt's first album, so I'm sure we would get along great. This album was released this year with appearances by Jackie Green and her husband, Tim Bluhm (The Mother Hips).
Choice Track: "I'm Your Woman"

Check some of these out...I will be sure to post more next month...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some Rainclouds for a Cloudy Day

I was just discussing the general music scene earlier today and the never-ending over presence of all male bands, songwriters, etc. Especially in the up and coming scene. So, then of course I found myself on a mission to find the hidden female gems that aren't getting the coverage they so deserve. And, being in Austin it's only fitting that one of the gals that crept up to the top of this list is Austinite Suzanna Choffel.

From her own bio, Suzanna describes her sound as "the time right before a storm hits...the smell of rain, pressure in the air, warm breezes, electrical skin"..and I couldn't agree more. There's a fun bubbly presence in her music, with blends of ambient rawness. I'm a new fan and can't wait to catch a live show in Austin.

It's Peter Pan!

Or Robin Hood or a Fairy. This Halloween no one could quite guess my costume, but I was in fact supposed to be Peter Pan. Last minute costume idea? You betcha. Oh well, I tried.

Halloween was very interesting this year. A birthday bash started the evening and we managed to finally hit up a local karaoke dive bar, Ego's, around 1.30 am. Needless to say, we didn't arrive in time to make the list. Boo.

I hope everyone enjoyed a happy hallow's eve this year. I'm personally glad it's over so we are closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas - my 2 faves (hello pumpkin pie).

Below is a pic from the beginning of the night. I think you'll get all the other outfits.

Yes We Can

Wow. wow wow wow.

I am so very proud of this country right now. Tonight has been a whirlwind of emotions for me watching the results of our Presidential race roll in. Lots of happy tears and many screams of joy. We have a new President Elect and his name is Barack Obama!!!!

This is a day of CHANGE. Change that this nation so desperately needs. I am confident that President Elect Obama will bring this country closer together and take us steps ahead to a New America.

I could go on and on about what this days means to me, but I may cry more in the process, so I will keep that to a minimum. Congratulations America, the choice was yours and you spoke. Loud and Clear. I'll leave you with this tidbit from a song that keeps resonating in my ears today.

"There been times that I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Nocturnals and Theremins??

I know, I's been well over a week since my last post. Which means a- I've been quite lazy, and b- I have a lot to catch everyone up on. This may be the first of many posts today (just a warning).

One more thing before I really dig in here - GO VOTE!!! This election is so important on so many levels, so be a part of that!

Now, onto blogging...

(Grace and Scott, lead guitarist)

Last Thursday a crew of us headed to see my buds Grace Potter & The Nocturnals at the Parish and had a very entertaining evening. The Parish is such a great music venue and has a fun, hip vibe - I will definitely be going back to many many more shows there.

The show was, as usual, filled with high energy, smokin' solos and some intense vocals by Miss Grace. There were some new tunes that really grabbed me, especially "Outta My Tree"- a funky soulful tune that reminds you not to let em' shake those apples right outta your tree. There's a great live recording of this tune from Sun Studios in Memphis - check it out by clicking here.

But, the most memorable part of the evening was watching Bryan, the bassist, play the weirdest looking instrument I've seen in a while...the Theremin! I had NEVER heard of this before and watching someone play one is all at once hilarious and spooky because it looks like they are playing a satellite signal and shaking their hands around like they could have some issues upstairs...too funny. I can't even do justice to try and explain the Theremin - so go look it up!

I know I always go on and on about the bands I think everyone should see, so today's no different. The Nocturnals are killing it right now and they are one of the nicest bands around. Their music instantly turns the worst of dancers into booty shakers! So, check out their schedule and go see them! All you Jackson folk, they will be coming back through in November at the Pink Garter.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Will Stand Here and Burn In My Skin

Oh Ray LaMontagne...if Ryan Adams hadn't already stolen my heart last week, you could easily have last night. I caught Ray and his band at the Paramount Theater (8th row!!) for a mostly sparkling, heart wrenching set. Leona Naess opened the night, and though I really admired many of her songs, some really made me a bit sleepy eyed. And, I was only holding on to enough of that to listen to a mellow Ray set!

It was my first time seeing Ray, and from other's accounts, I was expecting a quick song set with little talk from the shy troubadour. What I didn't expect was the "beatlemania" energy of the crowd. At times the idiotic screams cut into his songs, which for me was a shame. I'm all for being a fan, but come on - I came to hear Ray sing, not you scream your undying love for him!

Anyhow, Ray and the band sounded great. There were a good mix of songs from all 3 albums, and my favorite of the night was "Burn" from Trouble - believe me, I was teary-eyed throughout the whole song. At times Ray seemed a bit nervous, but once the songs started, he eased right into them with that sexy growl of his.

Cameras aren't allowed in the Paramount, so this is a shot I took under the radar - apologies for bad quality, but I think you know who it is! Oh, and go get a copy of Gossip in the Grain (the new album) - click here for a video of "Let it Be Me" from the current tour.

Welcome to the Casa

I finally got a new camera last week, so I can post some pics of my new digs in Austin. The place is a wee bit small, so not too many pictures are necessary!
This is the "office"/ "studio" section.

"Living Area" (yes, that is a TV- it keeps me warm at night!)

"Dining Area"

"Little Kitchen"

I am enjoying the new place and am slowly getting used to living by myself. Of course, the squirrel/possum that lives in the walls does NOT help sleep at night!

In other news about me...this past Thursday I was invited to play a few songs at the One-2-One Bar before the evening's headliner, Tanya and the Good Huggers. It was my first quasi-gig in Austin and I had such a fun night- playing my own songs and meeting some great Austin folk. Needless to say, I was flattered and surprised at being asked to play and look forward to many more spur of the moment gigs like this. Next time, I will get some photos!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday Night Surprises

Last night I made my way to MoMo's, one of my favorite live music venues in Austin (GREAT roof top deck and laid back atmosphere). I was determined to catch local Amy Cook, but little did I know what else was in store for the evening!

Amy's set was short, but highly enjoyable - her songs were all at once raw and complex. My favorite of the evening was her last song of the set - a funny, lyrically dry number titled "David Cassidy." After her set, we decided to stay and catch a few more bands...why not?

The next act was Sarah Bettens, who made her rise to fame in the mid 90s with K's Choice. Any of you who were in middle school/high school in the 90s will recognize their big hit "I'm Not an Addict." Of course, Sarah isn't an Austin local, but Austin really loves her - the large crowd seemed to know every word to every song. Her band was majorly tight and included 1 killer female drummer. Needless to say, we were impressed. Of course, during her set we kept trying to figure out why she sounded so familiar, until she started "I'm Not an Addict" - bingo.

Local favorites T-Bird and the Breaks were scheduled for the midnight slot. A few more Coronas were ordered as we awaited the band. Talk about SOUL! As soon as the entire band (yeah, all 10 of them) were on stage, we were up front shakin' it. Most of the kids in this band don't even look old enough to be in a bar, but their sound takes you back, way way back, to that old R&B Motown era. Matching black & white attire and choreographed backup singers added to the pizzaz this group has going. It was just another reminder of the totally different genres of music Austin keeps hidden under it's little umbrella. Click here to check out one of their originals.

The weekend has just begun...more music info to come!

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Lost Pines, True Austin Bluegrass

This past Friday I was able to catch The Lost Pines at a Festival at Camp Ben McCulloch. I had met some of the band members my first weekend in town at a jam party and had a great time with these pickers. Finally getting to see the whole band in action was so much fun. Their original songs invoke that "front porch" feeling, in the best old timey way. Sweet harmonies, genuine songs and amazing instrumentation make this band a must see if you are in the Austin area. Plus, these guys couldn't be nicer and that goes a long way in the music world!

Go to their MySpace site to give them a listen -

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It Makes Me Cry

In a totally un-Austin related post...and since I have your attention...

Just came across the newly released "Murder in the City" video from the Avett Brothers. Kind of funny because my Austin lady friends and I have been discussing murder in the city for about a week...more specifically our fear of it because at heart we are all small town girls. So, at first it made me chuckle to hear this song again. Then I paused and got a bit teary-eyed. It's the "Avett Brothers' Spell" as I like to call it. Boy, does it ever spellbind me. So, please take a listen to a beautiful song done by 2 of my favorite musicians (and fellow North Carolinians). This is from Gleam II and it's a peak into just how well their penmanship with simple, emotional songs is. Be sure to watch and check out The Avett Brothers - they have much greatness ahead.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention in my Ryan Adams post that he, as well, is from ol' Carolina. Maybe I should just focus on all the great NC musicians this month, I could probably go on and on with my favs....Nina Simone, Doc Watson, Tift Merritt, Ben Folds, James Taylor, Charlie Daniels, Earl Scruggs, John Coltrane, Loudon Wainwright III...okay gotta stop now...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ryan Adams = My Next Lover

I should probably tell my boyfriend, but seriously, how can I deny it after the show I saw Monday? Of course, I've never even met him. And I think he's a bit quirky....oh wait, that just justifies it even more!

Anyhow, caught Ryan and the rest of the Cardinals at the Paramount on October 13th and the boys did not disappoint. Despite the band being sick just 2 days before, one would never have guessed it with the energy and talent they oozed on Monday night. Tight tight tight....some highlights from the show were Come Pick Me Up (see below, couldn't find a clip from the Austin show), Dear John, Easy Plateau, Two, Stars Go Blue and Cold Roses.

So, not wanting to slow down any this week...on Tuesday I saw the fabulous and hilarious Toni Price at the Continental Club with Rich Brotherton. An amazing raw, bluesy voice matched with Rich's impeccable guitar skills (who is Robert Earl Keen's lead guitarist) - it was such a fun show. Be sure to check them both's a small clip of a show from last year at the same venue.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Austin is fun

Yeah, many of you already knew that. I've been here just over a week and have managed to fit in so much already; enough to know that 6 months here is going to be incredible. I'm somewhat settled in my new digs - this pic is the view of downtown from my place.

So a run down of my first week in Austin: 3 parties and jam sessions, multiple happy hours, multiple trips to target!, a few days of work, a couple local shows (White Ghost Shivers and Dana Falconberry) and a day or so of rest (due to an untimely hangover). Whew....

I have met quite a few local musicians and music lovers and everyone is so eager to hear new people and share their music. It's great and the talent here is endless. A little intimidating if I think about it too long...

I'm headed to Ryan Adams tomorrow night at the Paramount Theatre. Should be a treat and hopefully I will post some pics from the show. Oh, and for you Jackson folk - enjoy the snow! It's a balmy 85 here today and I am loving the sun!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

On my way...

Well, I'm about 500 miles away from my new winter destination...Austin, TX! I have enjoyed a few too many happy meals on the way and am already soo over being in the car another 7 hours tomorrow. But, at least I have good company!

Aaron and I just finished watching the VP debate (go Biden! it's my blog so I can plug anyone I choose), and now we are watching highlights from Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in San Fran. It's definitely making me itch for the live music of the new town I am headed for. Quite exciting...

In fact, we make it to Austin tomorrow and already have 4 or 5 shows that we must catch before Aaron flies East for his Fall Tour. What a change from JHole.

I'm hittin the hay, but will try to write and post some pics once I'm all settled in my new digs. And, recovered from my first few nights in Austin. I can't wait...

Oh yeah, here's my last "family" outing in Jackson with the Harp-dog. Fall colors are endless.